Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от ADalinadmitrievna

Complete the sentences. Do as in example.
Long form
1.He's just written the letter.
2.I____already done the test. May I go out?
3.We____just seen the film. A funny comedy!
4.____ she been to Africa?---No, she ____not.
5.The girls____ bought green apples for the pie.
6.He____ not visited the London Eye yet.
Вы удивитесь, сколько я даю за это баллов...
7.Unfortunately, they ____not taken any photos of the sight.
Short form:
1.He has just written the letter.
2.I____already done the test. May I go out?
3.We____just seen the film. A funny comedy!
4.____ she been to Africa?---No, she ____not.
5.The girls____ bought green apples for the pie.
6.He____ not visited the London Eye yet.
7.Unfortunately, they ____not taken any photos of the sight.