Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Аккаунт удален

помогите пожалуйста срочно очень надо !!!! заранее спасибо!!!

Вставьте модальные глаголы may, must или need.

1. ____ we hand in our compositions tomorrow? — No, you ____ not, you ____ hand them in after Sunday. 2. ____ John really do this today? — No, he ____ not, he ____ do it tomorrow if he likes. 3. You ____ not let this cup fall: it ____ break. 4. ____ I help you with your coat on? 5. ____ I take this book for a little while? — I am sorry, but I ____ return it to the library at once. 6. Alec ____ practise this sound specially, but the other pupils ____ not: they all pronounce it properly. 7. They ____ come at any time they like between ten and twelve in the morning, but they ____ not come if they don't want to. 8. ____ I go there right now? — Yes, you ____ .


  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Пчёлкааа

    1.Must we hand in our compositions tomorrow? — No, you need not, you may hand them in after Sunday.

    2. Must John really do this today? — No, he need not, he may do it tomorrow if he likes.

    3. You must not let this cup fall: it may break.

    4. May I help you with your coat on?

    5.May I take this book for a little while? — I am sorry, but I must return it to the library at once.

    6. Alec must practise this sound specially, but the other pupils need not: they all pronounce it properly.

    7. They may come at any time they like between ten and twelve in the morning, but they need not come if they don't want to.

    8. May(mist) I go there right now? — Yes, you may(must)