Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Гуманитарий2

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it is common knowledge,that a lot of   people prefer living in a big city,but everybody knows,that such lifestyle is harmful for your health,so other people  move to the villages. Which way of lifestyle is better?I personally think, that urban life is more better,than life in a countryside. I think so,because,firstly,there are a lot of possibilities to find a well-paid job. Secondly,Life in city is more interesting,because you can go to the theater,cinema,restaurant or gallery. Thirdly, this way of life is easier. It is very convenient life in a flat. You do not care about hot water,light and gaz.But there are people who think differently. They think that those people who live in the country have a good health. Moreover the air here is fresh and clean and there are not noisy crowds or traffic  jams . In fact  that some people feel lonely and  depressed in a big city.However I cannot support their point of view,because live in village is boring and difficult. In addition it is not simple keeps an economy.In conclusion I would like say that both way of life have advantages and disadvantages. It is more important to get an good education and be a success person.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан helperinenglish
    It is common knowledge, that a lot of   people prefer living in a big city, but everybody knows, that such lifestyle is harmful for your health, so other people  move to villages. Which way of lifestyle is better?I personally think, that urban life is  better, than life in a countryside. I think so, because ,firstly ,there are a lot of possibilities to find a well-paid job. Secondly, Life in a city is more interesting ,because you can go to the theater, to the cinema, to a restaurant or  a gallery. Thirdly, this way of life is easier. It is a  very convenient life in a flat. You do not care about hot water, light and gaz. But there are people who think differently. They think that those people who live in the country have good health. Moreover the air is fresh and clean  here and there are not noisy crowds or traffic  jams . In fact  that some people feel lonely and  depressed in a big city. However I cannot support their point of view, because life in village is boring and difficult. In addition it is not simple to keep an economy. In conclusion I would like to  say that both ways of life have advantages and disadvantages. It is more important to a good education and be a success person.