Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от henr1

перевести предложения : present , past , future simple passive . present , past ,future continuous passive . present , past , future perfect passive.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан campanilla15
    1. Your clock can't be repaired
    2. People are not allowed to park here
    3. My house is being watched
    4. The passage will be read by the examiner three times
    5. Dictionaries can't be used by candidates
    6. This letter needn't be typed
    7. This room hasn't been used for ages
    8. Those books should have been taken back to the library
    9. I suppose the house has been sold
    10. You have been warned
    11. He was knocked by a lorry
    12. The documents shouldn't be left on the desk
    13. Coffee and biscuits were handed round
    14. Holidays were spoiled by bad organization
    15. hundreds of exam papers are marked by teachers every year
    16. Who was Romeo and Juliet written by?
    17. Your hair should be dried before you go out
    18. The truth musn't be told